Wasatch Mountains in Utah

Kearns, Utah

Youth Biking Access

City Ratings Logo
Salt Lake City, Utah

City RatingOut of a Possible Score of 100


Overall City Ranking89th Percentile


Rank in the U.S.


Rank in the State

Salt Lake City is the closest municipality to Kearns scored in the 2024 City Ratings

A small community just west of Salt Lake City, Kearns is home to an enthusiastic bicycling community and a Utah High School Cycling League team, an affiliate league of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA). The league develops school-based cycling teams for middle school and high school youth across the state.

PeopleForBikes supports the expansion of recreation-focused facilities in cities like Kearns to introduce the joys and benefits of bicycling to the next generation of riders and ensure people of all ages and abilities have safe and easy access to recreational opportunities like mountain biking in their backyards.

Priority Projects

Lodestone Bike Park

With support from PeopleForBikes and other partners, Trails Utah is working with the Utah High School Cycling League to build what will become one of the region’s best recreational bike facilities — the Lodestone Bike Park. The new development will include skill areas designed to help young local mountain bikers of all skill levels train and improve their riding abilities. The bike park will serve at least six middle and high school mountain bike teams who currently do not have easy access to trails.

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